
November 6th 2004 in Jelenia Góra (Poland) at 8th International Film Festival Of Independent Video Films


May 27th 2005 at Jugendmedienfestival Berlin in Germany

Winner: "Golden Clip"


May 28th 2005 at "Up to 21" in Tarnow / Poland

Winner: 2nd Prize


June 18th 2005 at "Jugend filmt "- Festival in Landshut / Germany

Winner: Prize for "Best Cinematography"

June 22nd 2005 at the Festival of Nations in Ebensee / Austria

July 13th 2005 at "Malescorto" - Festival in Malesco / Italy

August 2005 at 7th Seoul International Youth Film Festival in South Korea

September 3rd 2005 at the "3rd Luksuz Festival" in Krsko / Slowenia

September 21st 2005 at 8th Auburn International Film and Video Festival for Children and Young Adults in Sydney / Australia

November 4th 2005 at nonstopfilmfestival in Nueremberg / Germany

November 5th and November 6th 2005 at the 21st International Shortfilmfestival "interfilm Berlin" in Germany

 December 7th and December 9th 2005 at the 3rd Tirana International Film Festival in Albania

January 31st 2006 at the Ongoing Festival Stuttgart

March 26th 2006 at the 007th Short Film Festival of Landshut

May 5th 2006 at the 3rd Naoussa International Short Film and Video Festival in Greece

May 6th 2006 Jugend Kunst Biennale Zwickau

Prize of Acknowledgement

May 17th 2006 at the 5th Reggio Film Festival "Children" in Italy

June 17th 2006 at the CrankCookieShortFilmFestival in Passau/ Germany

 November 24th 2006 at the Kurzfilmtage im PTI in Bonn/Germany

April 2007 at Jana International Film Festival For Children & Youth in Beirut / Lebanon

April 19th 2007 at KAN Festival in Wroclaw / Poland

May 2007 at Circolo del cinema Sogni Film Festival in Ravenna / Italy



In Theatres

Premiere in Zwickau on January 19th 2005 

And after that several times as pre-film at Zwickaus Cinestar filmtheatre (see the German version)